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Sleep-Safe Anti-Suffocation pillows have been tested by the Head of Research Development in the Physiology Department of a leading UK university, with outstanding results ...

"Based on these test results, Sleep-Safe pillows should be the choice for adults in circumstances where breathing ability is compromised by disability, disease state, medication or age. Sleep-Safe pillows should also be suitable for children over 3 years of age and for young adults, in particular because their lung capacity will not have matured to adult potential."
Face in Pillow
Sleep pillow

This evidence has been accepted by the UK Government’s Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency which has registered Sleep-Safe pillows as a Class I Medical Device. This means that Sleep-Safe users and carers can be confident that Sleep-Safe pillows are produced to the highest quality standards.

In an extremely rare decision, this evidence persuaded the UK Tax Authority to authorise Sleep-Safe pillows to be supplied VAT-free to eligible personal purchasers and charities. It’s almost unheard of for the Government to stop collecting a tax, which gives some idea of the quality of evidence that had to be presented in order to obtain this tax concession.

The Laboratory Test results enables health and social care professionals to confidently recommend Sleep-Safe pillows as an evidence-based solution to help prevent fatal suffocation events. Sleep-Safe pillows provide anticipatory, preventative care for people affected by seizure disorders, and can make a real difference to their lives.

Sleep-Safe pillows provide a visible demonstration to Care Inspectorates that care is being provided in a setting where risk is managed effectively, and where policies are in place to minimise adverse outcomes.

Sleep-Safe pillows are improved continually, mainly from suggestions made by users and carers who have contributed to our ongoing opinion survey.

The most recent innovations include a much smoother surface, enhanced Thru-Channelling and a large cell AeroMatrix to help maintain the `fullness’ of the pillow. All these user-led improvements mean better increased comfort and breathability – which means, of course, even greater safety.

Sleep-Safe Anti-Suffocation Pillows & Non Woven Disposable Pillowcases

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