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22% Discount for UK Returning Users and Carers

Click here to see a video of Sleep-Safe Pillows featured on the HOPE for paediatric epilepsy website...


Click Here to see a video of Sleep-Safe Pillows being used at the Southampton Children's Hospital...

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If you or the person you care for is being treated for epilepsy, you can purchase Free of VAT. After you have placed your order a VAT Exemption Declaration will be emailed to you, and you MUST reply to this before your order can be processed. This is a requirement of the VAT Authorities.VAT-free supplies can be made only to named individuals purchasing for their own personal or domestic use, or to registered charities purchasing on behalf of a person for that person's personal or domestic use. All other purchasers must purchase VAT included; VAT registered organisations should reclaim the VAT when their organisation's periodic VAT return is submitted to HMRC.